The Simple Truth
By Clara

Summary: She's supposed to shrug it off and say it was all a mistake
Pairing: Sam/Janet, Sam/Jack
Rating: G
Disclaimer: They're not mine

Notes: Written for stargate100's 'Mistakes And Misunderstandings' Thanks to Geonn.

Sam's pretty sure that she's supposed to shrug it off and say it was all a mistake, he didn't see what he thinks he did.

She'd be lying though and he'd know it. He wouldn't have asked if he wasn't sure.

So instead she tells him the truth. She was kissing Janet on the porch and she wishes she could have told him but she didn�t know how.

After 6 years she�d been hoping she�d never have to hurt him, but she�s done it anyway and as he walks away she doubts he�ll ever forgive her�but he�ll never show it.