By Clara

Summary: A whole new beginning
Category: SG1/X-Men Crossover
Pairings: Eventual Xavier/Janet with some Janet/Jack
Rating: PG-13

Author's Notes: Started for the Janet Fraiser Ficathon ages ago. written for Azar who saw it a few weeks back and thanks go to Geonn for the quick beta.

There was nothing more that could be done and it was becoming glaringly obvious to Janet that she was in no position to help her daughter further.

Nirrti had done the bare minimum to help Cassie but even that hadn't been enough to completely rid her of her symptoms. From what Janet could tell, she was no longer in any danger but the energy field surrounding her body had remained leaving her able to levitate and move metal objects around the room at will.

She couldn't help but wonder if Nirrti would find some way to get to Cassandra and continue her experiment. She knew the chances were slim that the Gou'ald was even aware that Cassie still had any powers at all, but that did little to ease her mind.

Silently she pulled the stethoscope from around her neck and placed it on the desk beside the microscope. Her recent blood work showed no changes from an hour earlier and she was forced to admit there was a chance that Cassandra would never be rid of her power which scared her more than anything. Cassie had done so much to try and fit in since she'd come to earth and Janet worried that this could present a huge setback to her.


She looked up and tried to smile at Jack O'Neill slouched against the doorframe but instead let out a yawn. "Colonel, what can I do for you?"

He shrugged and pushed his hands into his pockets, a move Janet found oddly endearing. "How's the research going?"

She breathed deeply and waved a hand over the desk. "As far as I can tell there is nothing here that gives even a hint of how I can help Cassie...Sir, I'm out of options."

Jack looked down at his feet before meeting her eyes again. "How long has it been since you had some sleep?"

The turn around in their positions was enough to make her smile a little. "Not since this whole thing started."

"You should get some sleep...Carter is sitting with Cassie, who's still insisting she doesn't need to stay here by the way."

Janet nodded and looked back over at her desk. "You're probably right Colonel."

To his credit, he simply nodded at her before turning and walking back towards the room Cassie had been in for 5 days, giving Janet time to gather her thoughts before facing her daughter.


Jack knocked lightly on the doorframe and waited until George Hammond beckoned him in before entering his office. "There's no change. Doctor Fraiser believes there's nothing else she can do."

Hammond nodded slightly before gesturing for Jack to close the door.

"I've been thinking about the options open to Cassandra since we discovered she had this...power. The X gene...I'm sure you've heard about it?"

"Yes sir...I've heard Carter and the Doc talking about it during physicals."

The general smiled at Jacks slight grimace at the word before continuing. "What I'm going to tell you can't go any further Jack. It's a well kept secret and I won't be responsible for the wrong people finding out about it."

"You can trust me Sir." Jack sat forward in his chair and waited for him to carry on.

"I know son. There's a special school, where children with this gene go and take not just normal classes but also ones on how to best control and utilise their powers to ensure that no harm comes to them or others."

He paused for breath and gave Jack a chance to digest the information and realise what he was suggesting.

"You think they could help Cassandra?"

"I don�t see why not. Her power is similar to what some of those with the X gene have...they might be willing to make an acceptation in Cassandra's case and allow her to attend there."

"It's a long way away sir, are you sure this would work? If Nirrti tries to get to Cassandra using a ship it will make it harder for us to protect her."

Hammond nodded. "The best course of action would be to talk to Professor Xavier and see what we can work out."

"What about the whole...classified thing general?"

"Professor Xavier is well aware of what's out there Jack. He and a group of people with the X Gene�I believe at the school they�re referred to as X-Men, have helped NORAD out during various situations over the last few years. It was decided that, if we are not able to hold back an alien attack through the Stargate, those who could help us the most should be informed."

Jack nodded and tried to take all of this new information in. "When will you contact the school?"

"Well, there are still a few things to sort out. I'll need to talk to Doctor Fraiser first of course."

"I left her in her office about 20 minutes ago with orders to try and get some sleep. She should be in her quarters now."

"This can wait until the morning, she needs some rest."

Jack and Hammond both stood "Dismissed Jack. I'll see you in the morning. 0900 hours."



Cassie had finally fallen asleep around 0700 and Janet hadn�t left her bedside for a moment, despite Colonel O�Neill�s �advice� that she get some sleep.

Sam had left them alone awhile before and now Janet sat staring at her daughter and stroking her forehead.

Her temperature was certainly going down but that didn�t mean that her powers would be affected in any way.

At some point during the night, she�d lost track of the time, General Hammond had arrived in the infirmary and sat next to her for a good hour explaining what he thought would be the best course of action.

Her mind was racing. She�d always known Cassie would leave her at some point, to attend college if nothing else but the idea of sending her away while she felt her daughter needed her the most, just didn�t seem right.

For a moment she allowed herself to hope that the next round of tests would provide the answer before squashing it. She�d exhausted all the avenues open to her and burying her head in the sand wasn�t going to help Cassie move forward.

Leaning forward she kissed her daughter on the cheek and stood, smoothing a hand down the front of her skirt.

Turning on her heel she walked towards the elevator. The sooner she gave her consent for General Hammond contact Professor Xavier the better it would be for her daughter�all she had to do was remember that.